Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Identity change

Alright, so I've been thinking to myself about the username I've chosen and while I was content with it at the beginning, now it just seems kind of lame, lol.

So I'm going to be going under a different username: Gamertron. Yes, it still is pretty lame but it has a much better ring to it. I will be exporting my entries over to the new blog soon. This also means that I will be putting up a new youtube account as well to accomodate with the new name. Unfortunately, I will have to delete my current account and re-upload all my videos which is quite a hassle but that's okay.

Once I sort some things out, I will begin posting again under the new name. Zombie month will continue with updates and expect a lot more than just game playthroughs. I'll be doing other things like taking a look at soundtracks, movies, demos, and so on so keep on the look out.

Thanks. :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Press Start: Zombie-A-Thon

It's the start of zombie month at Press Start.

(I actually meant to have the video up yesterday but time is a jerk so I had iy upload it today).

October is going to be a busy month for me here since I'm going through quite a few games here. All the games in the promo video will be played so that's 4 games (technically five if you count House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return as individual games) plus a special game that I didn't show.

Now I know I'm missing a some classics like the prominent Resident Evil games. This is because I only own Resident Evil 4 and 5 at the moment and to be fair, those games don't necessarily deal with zombies but more like controller people and what not. And I know I'm missing some other games like Zombies Ate My Neighbours but there's always next October. ;]

The games will be played in this order:

House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return
Zombie Apocalypse
Dead Rising
Left 4 Dead
Special Mystery Game

Phew. In a day or two, I will have something up for my first game on the list and the zombie madness can begin.

Have a great October, Halloween, and keep gaming.